The executive board is a functioning administrative group elected to take the necessary action to achieve the purposes of the council. It establishes the council program and carries out the resolutions, policies, and activities voted on by the council. It determines policy for the council in accordance with its delegated authority, and within the context of the Charter and Bylaws and the Rules and Regulations of the Boy Scouts of America. The board protects the long-range future of Scouting in the community.
Council Key-3
The council Key 3 consists of the council president, council commissioner, and Scout executive. They meet informally as necessary to ensure proper coordination of the work of the council. They furnish liaisons between the commissioner staff and the various committees of the council. They may also provide proposals and recommendations to, but in no way usurp the authority of, the executive board or executive committee of the board.

Paul Farmer
Council President
Veridian Credit Union

James Madison
Scout Executive/CEO
Winnebago Council

Mark Curran
Council Commissioner
Executive Committee
The executive committee is composed of elected council officers, the Scout executive, who shall have no vote, and others as appointed by the president and as approved by the executive board.
The executive committee acts for the executive board in the intervals between board meetings. The board receives the minutes of such meetings for approval at the next board meeting. The executive committee may not act contrary to action previously taken by the board.
Name | Position |
Tom Herzmann | Council Treasurer |
Stephen Carroll* | VP Risk Management/Governance |
Chadd Blanchard | VP Properties |
Executive Board
Name | Position |
Rich Adolfs | Board Member |
Jim Brockhohn | Board Member |
Mark Buffington | Board Member |
Perry Buffington | Board Member |
Albert "Sparky" Duroe | Board Member |
Paul Empie | Board Member |
EJ Gallagher | Board Member |
Jeremy Heyer | Board Member |
Aaron Hobert | Board Member |
Ethan Hubbard | Board Member |
Sherman Lundy | Board Member |
Wayne Magee | Board Member |
Jeff Mastin | Board Member |
Larry Pump | Board Member |
Darrin Siefken | Board Member |
Jim Taylor | Board Member |
Chris Theirman | Board Member |
Robert Sanford | Board Member |
Denise Wood | Board Member |
*Past Council President